TLDR: Monday I turned the motor I salvaged Saturday into a spinning flower. I added a dubious choice of cable to be the power cord for my motors-on-a-box project. I checked to make sure the ATX power supply worked and used it to drive the motors in a half disassembled DVD drive.
Next time I hope to have a better sense if pilfered composite jacks really are the way to go for the pirate power supply and/or if I should just cut the connectors off. I am planning on stripping down the DVD drive and add bits of it to the box.
Monday I moved a little slower with a bit more puzzlement about what to do next. It was handy to be able to show off Barb’s glue-stick vibrobot, Horatio our mascot, and the other sundry done-ish projects while I did some less flashy work on the power supply.
Tutorials on how to convert ATX computer power supplies into benchtop power supplies litter the internet:
- How to NOT convert ATX power supply to benchtop or lab power supply youTube video
- The wikiHow version via MAKE
- Zillions the last I counted on Instructables
- Really nice reference imagery on Wikipedia’s ATX article.
I’m struggling with how reusable I want this supply to be or if it should just be dedicated to the boxes & motors project. That is something I should check in with Barb and Jen about. Are they excited to have it as a resources for us all or am I just sort of entertaining myself? Also, all of the listed instruction sets involve buying parts but I’d like to keep our salvage-only as a design exercise. We’ll see.
Intel Pop Up Experience w/ Maker Ed – Day 3, a set on Flickr.
Things I did today:
- Desoldered composite input jack from VCR board with the idea that I’ll be using them somehow for the supply.
- Soldered solid-core wire onto the composite cable just incase I’ll want to plug it onto a breadboard.
- Tested the supply by checking both the “Stand-by” wire and the “Power-on” wire to make sure they read 5 V ( the purple wire and the green wire respectively ).
- Shorted the Power-on wire to ground to activate all the other power pins. (* I had a DVD drive as a load to prevent burning out the supply. )
- Checked one of the 12V wires on the 20 pin connector to make sure shorting the wire worked.
- Played with mentioned CD/DVD drive attached to the 4 pin Molex connector.
- Semi-dismantled drive and played with the eject button and disk tray gears to get ideas about what to do next.
- Moved on and made a pretty flower.
Tools & Supplies used
- Goes without saying: wire, wire strippers, pliers, snips and various screwdriver tips from the iFixit kit.
- Heat gun to desolder jack
- Soldering iron to attach wires
- Electrical tape to seal up the soldered wires
- Drill and 1/4 inch drill bit to make hole for wire
- Hot Glue to stabilize wire lead out of the side of the box and wires on back of the DVD motor soldered Saturday and made into a flower today
- Multimeter & aligator clips to check power coming from ATX supply