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SyntaxHighlighting Evolved WordPress Plugin and a Custom Arduino Brush

by Carlyn Maw on February 28, 2014, one comment

Screen shot of a render of example code using SyntaxHighlighter and my Plugin

Example code using SyntaxHighlighter and my Plugin

I’ve been using github gists fairly heavily because of not wanting to bother to with code highlighting plugins since moving to a self hosted WordPress blog.  I finally got sick of that tonight while watching my site be suuupppperrr slow loading because of a call to This right after writing a tiny little gist that no one will care about outside of the post for the next section of the Intel Galileo write up.

The consensus seems to be that SyntaxHighlighting Evolved is the go-to plugin, although Crayon looks pretty great. Since Arduino language recognition is not included in the default package, I wrote my own plugin to add Arduino highlighting to SytaxHighlighting Evolved and put THAT on github. This seems like an easy way into plugin development. I’ve submitted the plugin to and will update this post if it is accepted.

Things to look into:

  • One of the tutorials has heavier and lighter versions of its formatting… could that be a setting?
  • Can the colors be updated via a setting page?

Places I learned from:

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