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Intel Experience Store – Day 16 Recap: Vacuum cleaners are more clever than I thought.

by Carlyn Maw on January 15, 2014, 2 comments

TL;DR: Tuesday I was very excited to turn a Dust Buster into a blow gun. Turns out they can’t be modded that way so easily. Something about centrifugal fans. So I made a literal “suction cup” instead. While waiting for the battery to charge I started munching on a Dell laptop. Looking forward to seeing […]

Eagle 30/30 No. 19 – LM386 Audio Amplifier w/ Electret Microphone as Sensor, v0.1

by Carlyn Maw on June 20, 2011, no comments

Doh. Missed the cut off by a tinsy bit to go see Submarine directed by Richard Ayoade of “The IT Crowd” fame. Totally worth it. More on this one in the future… it’s a combo of the standard ITP version and some other circuits. To see the Physical…

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