Learning the Consonants
Master html Worksheet 1a html Worksheet 1b html Worksheet 2 html DOC Worksheet 3 html
Special thanks to the many wonderful teachers in my life, especially those at Jivamukti Yoga in NYC, Yogaworks in LA and the Yoga Studies Institute everywhere.
Additional References:
Teach Yourself Beginner’s Hindi Script by Rupert Snell (ISBN: 0071419845)Teach Yourself Sanskrit by Michael Coulson (ISBN: 0071426663)
Manorama ( ) Hindi Script Tutor ( )
So a friend just bought his first copy of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras… “with full-on Sanskrit squiggles” and I remembered a time when I thought I was going to learn all those squiggles… I slightly updated the page and here it is… maybe I’ll remotivate
The Irrelevant Meta: Made them in Apple’s Pages, using an English keyboard with input set to Devanagari-QWERTY with the “Keyboard Viewer” open. HTML/CSS was a lightning fast hatchet job; I don’t even remember if I did it with Dreamweaver or as a Pages export