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Eagle 30/30 No. 12 – Voltage Divider Fine Tuner and Component Reference Designators (Part Prefixes)

by Carlyn Maw on June 12, 2011, no comments

So since the Rotary switch sort of looks like a trim potentiometer, I thought, why not add oner? The idea behind this circuit is if R1 is 1/2 the maximum resistance value of the sensor and the pot is the same as the resistance value of the sensor …

Eagle 30/30 No. 6 – One Simple Switch Please and Same Schematic, Same Parts, 5 Boards

by Carlyn Maw on June 6, 2011, no comments

So switches, they’re easy. Two leads, and a pull up/down resistor depending. My requirements for this little board is that it be flexible as to what kind of data I’m going to feed a micro-controller (i.e. is actuated 5V or 0V) and that it make an …