
the blog

Intel Galileo and Bee Mail Part 5: Troubleshooting Python in the Linux Shell

by Carlyn Maw on March 13, 2014, no comments

This is part 5 in the series of my getting to know the Intel Galileo Board.  I made a project that uses pager motor based bees which buzz louder based on how much email is in my inbox. This is a derivative of the  SparkFun Enginursday project that uses an LED display to show an […]

Using find to delete malware on a server

by Carlyn Maw on February 15, 2014, no comments

My host ( let me know that it had found some malicious files on the various websites I host.  Malware can get snuck onto a site like a Cuckoo’s egg, using up resources and decreasing the reputation of domain names in spam filters and search results. I’m still working on properly fixing everything but some my […]