
the blog

Intel Experience Store – Day 20 Recap: Countdown to the Last Day

by Carlyn Maw on January 29, 2014, no comments

So I’m punting on today’s blog post because I spent last night at CRASH Space’s Member Meeting – Officer Night and when I got home instead of working on the blog post with wistful exhaustion over a fun experience coming to an end, I wrote Arduino code. We all have our coping mechanisms. I leave you […]

Intel Experience Pop Up – Day 7 Recap: Fixing a DVD player.

by Carlyn Maw on December 17, 2013, no comments

TL;DR Couldn’t keep myself from opening a second VCR that arrived because it ALSO had a DVD player. The DVD part was definitely broken. Fully dismantling the DVD assembly let me track down the culprit: a cracked gear. Once the tray open/close function mostly worked again, I removed the player completely from it’s original home […]

Intel Experience Pop Up – Day 6 Recap

by Carlyn Maw on December 16, 2013, one comment

TL;DR – Didn’t do more with floppy drives after all. Instead cracked open a brand spanking new (non-functional) VCR. Turns out what was wrong with it was melted belts. I replaced one with rolled up gaffer’s tape and it worked! I took a lot of video of that.  So it is quite a bit harder […]

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