
the blog

SyntaxHighlighting Evolved WordPress Plugin and a Custom Arduino Brush

by Carlyn Maw on February 28, 2014, one comment

I’ve been using github gists fairly heavily because of not wanting to bother to with code highlighting plugins since moving to a self hosted WordPress blog.  I finally got sick of that tonight while watching my site be suuupppperrr slow loading because of a call to This right after writing a tiny little gist […]

Embedding a Processing Sketch in WordPress Using processing.js

by Carlyn Maw on January 14, 2014, one comment

First: Please Forgive the typos. I never want to open this post in edit mode again now that it works. Processing is a wrapper around Java and it used to be that sharing your sketches online required the creation of a Java Applet. Those have fallen out of favor and with all the amazing capabilities of […]